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Software Overview

Plan your tour smartly with Parsh Digital’s MR reporting software. Prepare, modify, send, endorse, and disapprove tour plans and deviations of the clinical agent's team in a hurry with pharma reporting software. Add visits to specialists, modify the changed area of specialists, and provide orders to the clinical field force in real-time & more.

Parsh Digital serves MR Reporting software to easily handle field activity of the organization.

Rapid & Easy MR Reporting with 100% Accuracy
Save time in planning and submitting clinical agent reports with pharma reporting software. A wide range of reports needed to pharmaceutical admins can be created naturally including cost reports, call reports, doctor coverage reports, attendance reports, employee productivity reports, start & end time work reports, everyday action reports of clinical representatives, and more with the assistance of MR software. Pharma deals force automation software makes it simple for the force administrators to get all the reports in real-time.

The WOW Features!

Reduce the carbon footprints by putting away all the data digitally. Go greener and save the environment.

Group Collaboration
Bridge the correspondence among supervisor and field staff with sheer transparency.

Fully Configurable
The implementation specialist will assist you to configure the system the way you want it from the start.

Geo-Location Schedule visits based on geo-location. Field force tracking and automation with geo-tagging, route optimization, and tour planning.

Analytics & Reports
Gain insight into your lead-to-customer cycle, generate a role-based report and gain real-time insight into your sales pipeline

Seamless Integration
The flawless joining highlight allows you to coordinate the business sales force automation solution with the ERP system of the company.

Utilize the tools that are available to you on electronic devices and reduce the compliance risks by switching to a paperless medium.

Analytics & Reports Gain insight into your lead-to-customer cycle, generate a role-based report and gain real-time insight into your sales pipeline

Seamless Integration The flawless joining highlight allows you to coordinate the business sales force automation solution with the ERP system of the company.

Compliance Utilize the tools that are available to you on electronic devices and reduce the compliance risks by switching to a paperless medium.